Energy Policy Roundtable in the PJM Footprint was a regional
forum focusing on wholesale and retail electricity and gas
issues in the PJM footprint (13 states and D.C.) that ran
from late 2015 through 2020.
Dr. Jonathan Raab, President,
Raab Associates, Ltd.,
served as the convener and moderator of the Roundtable,
developing the agendas, securing speakers, and facilitating
the meetings.
For its
first three years, the Roundtable was hosted by the Kleinman
Center for Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania.
For its final two years, it was hosted by Morgan Lewis at
its conference facilities in
Washington DC.
The Roundtable brought together thought leaders and
stakeholders from industry, regulatory agencies, NGOs,
technical and financial disciplines, and academia, for high
level discussions on a quarterly basis, and was supported by
over 20 Sponsors representing energy stakeholders from
across the electricity and gas industries.
You can
access our archive of past PJM Footprint Roundtable agendas,
topics, speakers, presentations, and videos at the menu
links above.
Acting FERC Chairman Cheryl LaFleur answers a question from Moderator Jonathan Raab following Keynote Address at June 2, 2017 Roundtable in the PJM Footprint. |
Stu Bresler, Senior VP of Markets & Operation at PJM,
addresses the audience at the April 24th Roundtable,
as Moderator Jonathan Raab and PSEG President/CEO Dr.
Ralph Izzo look on. |
FERC Commissioner Robert Powelson takes questions from the audience after his Keynote Address, “Let Markets Work: A FERC Perspective" at the November 28, 2017 Roundtable in the PJM Footprint. |
Key State Public Policies in the PJM Footprint panel participants. (From L to R) New Jersey Board of Public Utilities President Richard Mroz, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio Chairman Asim Z. Haque, Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission Chairman Gladys Brown (with microphone) and Moderator Jonathan Raab at June 2, 2017 Roundtable in the PJM Footprint.
Stakeholder Proposed Approaches to Integration Into Markets panel participants. (From L to R) PJM Senior VP & General Counsel, Vincent Duane,NRG VP Market & Regulatory Policy, Peter Fuller, Senior Consultant, CRA (for NextEra, CLF, Brookfield), Robert Stoddard and Exelon Senior VP, Competitive Market Policy Kathleen Barrón take questions from Moderator Jonathan Raab at June 2, 2017 Roundtable in the PJM Footprint. |
(L to R) Panelists Dr. Joe Bowring, President of
Monitoring Analytics, Stu Bresler, Senior VP for
Operations and Markets at PJM, Alison Silverstein,
Independent Consultant, and Moderator Raab during a
Q&A at the November 28, 2017 Roundtable in the PJM
Footprint, Pursuing Resilience & Ensuring
Reliability in PJM’s Competitive Markets.
(L to R) Richard Kruse, VP, Texas Eastern (Enbridge), Don Santa, President & CEO, Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, Ralph Izzo, CEO & President, PSEG and Moderator Raab responding to questions at the November 28, 2017 Roundtable in the PJM Footprint, Pursuing Resilience & Ensuring Reliability in PJM’s Competitive Markets. |
You can search recent and past Roundtables by Date, Topic and Speaker: